- Söz: Barış Manço Müzik: Barış Manço Yıl: 1966 Süre: 3:19
- Albüm: - Dil: İngilizce
Come hear susanna
Were goin way
Forget tomorow
Enjoy today
Take a majic journey
Were the pan pipes play
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me we'll make love
Oh ye i'm goin far away
Your gone tomorow your hear today
So take a majic journey
Were the pan pipes play
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me we'll make love
And for the rest of time sussana you'l be mine
We'll go far away
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me we'll make love
Come hear susanna
Were goin way
Forget tomorow
Enjoy today
Take a majic journey
Were the pan pipes play
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me we'll make love
Hold my hands look at me and be happy for the day its a holiday
Little world to its self take her with me we'll make love
Şarkı Sözlüğü / S
Selahaddin Eyyübi'nin Yeğeni Aslan Yürekli Rişar'ın Kız Kardeşine Karşı | S.O.S Aman HocamSahilde | Sakız Hanım - Mahur Bey | Sarı Çizmeli Mehmet Ağa | Sarıl Bana | Seher Vakti
Söyle Zalım Sultan | Susanna | Süleyman | Süper Babaanne
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